Games In The Burner

We Are Cooking

At When We Played, we take great pride in creating games for all ages and tastes. With Garage Band cards having just released, or just about to be, we have a number of other interesting and fun new games we are hard at work on.

Games ranging from the family friendly Flashlight Tag Cards and Flicker Football to the more adult orientated game Get Plowed, you can bet your sweet patootie you will find something either yourself, your friends or a family member will enjoy playing for many years to come, or at least 24 hours to lets say, 6 Months?


So put down the damn video game controller (not permanently, we are gamers too) and order the newly or soon-to-be released When We Played - Garage Band Cards. This first game is geared towards young adults to old farts and is rated Mature 17+