Thanks for purchasing and playing When We Played - Garage Band Cards. Please know that while the idea of forming a band and playing at different venues successfully before your opponents do is a relatively simple concept, taking the rights steps in order to achieve that goal takes a bit of thinking and strategy.
While the rules have not changed, we've made significant improvements to our explanation of the Standard Edition Rules for both novice and hardcore gamers. Download these Expanded Standard Edition 1.2 Rules (improvements) here! (full color)
For a more printer friendly (mostly back and white) version feel free to download the Expanded Standard Edition 1.2 Rules here
With that in mind we have put together a few videos (more coming soon as well) and a short list of tips and suggestions to help you gain rock stardom and to have the very best playing experience with When We Played - Garage Band Cards. Along with all of this we also have a FAQ's section below as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us them at
VIDEO # 1 Game Setup, The Blind Bandmate Draw & Venue Cards
VIDEO # 2 A Closer Look At The Blind Bandmate Draw
VIDEO # 3 How Solo Cards Are Played
Expanded Standard Edition 1.2 FAQ's
What dice do your bandmate's roll during an attempt to play a Venue live as they level up? The dice that is indicted on the bandmates card stays with them the entirety of the game. The # of attempts (dice rolls) is the only thing that changes.
Playing Live - Can you a player select the order of the band members to roll? Yes, you can roll for any member in any order, just as long as you announce which member you are currently rolling for.
What cards do you count to determine your overall performance level?Every card you have in play in your garage (not in your hand) is counted with the exception of a couple of cards. For instance, Opening Act's points are only counted if the Venue stated on it that an Opening Act was optional. A Keys Card is the only other card that at times can not be counted nor the cards that are played on it. In other words, you must have a full 4 piece band in your garage before you can ever count the Key's Points. A 4 piece Band is a Singer, Guitarist, Drummer & Bassist.
Do I have to play a Solo card? Solo cards are unique, when drawn face-up you have the opportunity to hold them in your hand IF you do not have a Guitarist in your garage that you can play the card on.
If I play a Hook-Up card on one of my Bandmate's do I count the Groupie as still being part of the Entourage?The short answer is yes. Hook-ups are great, because not only do you get to now count your Groupie as part of the Entourage but their points also directly affect the Bandmate she is played on in the Bandmate's attempt to level up.
In a nutshell, could you describe how a person's turn is played out?After the initial Blindbandmate Draw...a turn occurs like this. The player turns 1 card face-up from either the Game Deck, the Practice Party Deck or the Bandmate Deck. This card must be played if at all possible. after this occurs the player can then play any card(s) in his or her hand. Lastly the player draws 1 card face-down from the Game Deck. Discard any extra cards you might have in your hand that exceeds the allowed amount .That is a turn.
When can I play cards in my hand against the person who's turn it currently is? At anytime during the game a player can play a card in their hand against the player who's turn it currently is or against another player. You cannot play a card into your own garage nor play a card against a player who is playing LIVE unless your card specifically says that you can.
How many cards can I hold in my hand before I must discard? That number is 5. Any amount over that and you must discard the extra cards at the end of your turn if needed.
What happens in the event of a tie when playing a Venue ( Example you roll the exact number of hits you need to win the Venue and at the same time you exceed the number of misses you are allowed to have before failing? In the event of a tie when rolled, the Hits win
What constitutes a Weed/Alcohol card?Do the practice cards where you have to chug or inhale count as Weed/Alcohol cards? Or for example the card where you tip the bartender with weed and you can drink underage? Weed / Alcohol Cards are party cards and should be treated separately. There are a number of cards where weed is required as payment, (tattoos, bartender)...the ONLY cards that can be used as payment are the Weed Cards, better known as "TAKE A HIT" Cards.
There are no fails or misses on practice cards, however if you do not succeed in rolling the dice to get the practice card do you discard it or do you try that same card on your next turns until you get it? If you fail to roll the correct # of hits to possess that particular practice card during your turn you must discard that card at the end of your rolls.
What does the amp level on each band member mean and how can you affect it during play? The amp level on a bandmates card is separate from your bands PA card, it is their individual amp output and while it does not have a direct effect on your PA, the cards played on them do. Certain cards (Soundcheck Cards) will arise during the play of the game where you must play them on your bandmate that has the lowest amp output.This adds to the overall points you can add to that bandmate affecting his overall level, but when using those soundcheck cards they also allow you to remove any cards you may have on your bands PA Amp Card.
When playing LIVE and rolling using your guitar player and you have an opening act that gets discarded with 3 skulls, then you roll 3 skulls while rolling for the guitarist do you lose the opening act even if you are taking the rolls from the guitarist? This is all dependent on who you are rolling for. You must state who you are rolling for before the roll takes place. In other words, say, "Ok, I am rolling for the "Opening Act" now...if you roll 3 misses while rolling for them you must discard them if that is their max miss.
Are the misses (skulls) cumulative or not?Example, you have an opening act that goes away at 3 skulls, a groupie that goes with 1 skull. do you need 4 skulls to lose them both or just 3? While the hits and misses are cumulative for the Venue itself, it is only when you roll for them in particular that they count against them if misses are rolled. So in other words (your example) if you roll a miss when you roll for your groupie, that miss counts against the grand total for the Venue itself and her...however if you have not rolled for your opening act yet, they still would be allowed 3 misses (skulls) if the Venue grand total still allowed it.
Expanded Standard Edition 1.2 Tips
Each player should have a pen and paper next to them to keep track of their points. Take the time to keep your score up-to-date.
Use the novice, average, rocks & pro game markers on your bandmate cards to help you easily keep track of each of your bandmates current level.
Take your time. Breathe. Put the CD on and enjoy.
Please do not turn this into a drinking game, especially if you are underage. The game requires strategy and a good deal of brain power. Best to keep as many brain cells operating at full capacity at all times.
During the Blind Bandmate Draw, having the highest level starting bandmates does not guarantee a quick victory. Use your wits in choosing your initial bandmates.
Card Types
Practice Cards – Practice cards are played in your garage once you have 1 or more bandmates in your garage. (Rolling the dice to gain the correct amount of practice points the current Venue requires can be difficult at times, don't wait too long to try for these points.)
Bandmate Cards – Bandmate cards are played in your garage during your own turn and during a Blind Draw.
Band Gear Cards – Band Gear cards are placed directly on bandmates.
Entourage Cards – Entourage cards are placed in your garage. They can be played directly on bandmates ONLY if an Action card directs this to be done.
Fan Cards – Fan cards are played directly on bandmate cards.
Action Cards (Bad Things & Assorted Other Cards) – Action cards must be played accordingly if drawn face-up during your turn, and against the Player who drew the card unless stated differently on the card. Action cards, when drawn face-down can be played at any time during the game and against any other Player except when a Player’s band is playing “LIVE”, unless the card specifically states so.
Soundcheck Cards – Soundcheck cards are played on your bandmate who has the lowest PA System Amp Output Level. *Please note, your bandmates individual amp output level does not affect your PA System Card.
PA System Cards – PA System cards are played face-up in the top right of your garage (next to your "LIVE" Card). They cannot be taken by any other player. The card is yours for the duration of the game. The output on your PA System must remain at or above the PA System Amp Output Level on the Venue you are trying to play live at.(There are a number of cards that can seriously bring your amp output level down, always nice to hold onto one of those cards to mess with your opponents.)
Live Cards – Live cards are played face-down just to the right of your garage unless you are “LIVE”, then turn it over!
Weed & Alcohol Cards - Weed & Alcohol cards are played directly on bandmates who are 21 years of age or older, or have some sort of Fake ID played on them. (Each bandmate these cards are played on also must be either a drinker or a smoker. Partying can be a quick way to level up if the dice are in your favor.)
Fake ID. Cards - Fake ID cards are played directly on bandmates who are the right sex, underage, and are drinkers.
Solo Cards – Solo Cards are played directly on Bandmate Cards, specifically on the guitarist. There are 3 parts to a solo, a beginning, a middle and an end. The cards are color coded to match the correct solo. (Either all green, all blue or all magenta.)The Solo cards must be played in the correct order IF your guitarist is the right level. You can steal a solo, meaning if someone has played a beginning blue solo card on their guitarist, if your guitarist is the correct level or higher, and you have the corresponding middle blue solo card you would grab the beginning blue solo card and your middle blue solo card and place it on your guitarist. (Think carefully before playing a solo card...the steal of a nearly complete solo can be a quick game changer as the points add up quickly.)
Your Entire Band Is Wiped Off The Face Of The Planet...What Do You Do?
You Do The Blind Bandmate Draw all over again.
Keep Score With A Game Mat
If you have purchased a gaming mat you will see a hopscotch table towards the top right, next to the venue. This hopscotch table is used to keep track of your overall performance points. This is where the Green and Red Crystal Shards (Hopscotch performance level markers) come in handy. Place the green crystal shards on the first number of your performance level and the red crystal shard on the second number. For example if your over all performance points were 26...the green would be on the 2 and the red would be on the 6.